Group Classes

Group classes are great for those that wish to train their dog themselves in a group environment, under the guidance of a trainer.  You will come to class once a week, each class runs about an hour and will then be given written instruction on exercises to work on at home.  Classes are progressive, each week we add on to what we learned the week before.  Dogs learn best by spaced repetition therefore, I always advise that you do your homework approximately 20 to 30 minutes a day to get the best results and ensure your dog is ready for the following week.

***Aggressive or severely reactive dogs must be evaluated before coming into the group environment.  If your dog lunges/barks in an intense manner on walks or at the vet they are probably not a candidate for group. If your not sure please contact me. If you bring your dog to group and I feel they are not appropriate  for the  class I will dismiss you and transfer your funds towards your choice of either a private package or a private consult.  Group classes are not conducive for severely reactive dogs, they can not learn in a group environment. ***

***Prepayment is required to hold your spot. Payments can be made using any Credit/Debit card by clicking on the “Pay Now” link after submitting the registration form.

Puppy Preschool / In Person

Upcoming Class Dates & Times:

Monday, January 6th @ 6pm (FULL)

Monday, February 3rd @ 6pm (2 spots left as of 1/17)

Monday, March 3rd @ 6pm

4 weeks $150

Age Requirement:

5 Months and Under

Please bring your puppy on a collar and leash of your choice along with some tiny treats.

Puppy Preschool will cover basic commands using shaping and luring techniques, a few fun tricks, exposure exercises to build confidence and work through fear phases, threshold exercises to help prevent door bolting, socialization/puppy playtime and discuss potty training strategies. 

In addition, we will be going over techniques to ensure good manners, common courtesy and a loving and respectful relationship with their owner.  Teaching your puppy “no” is important but can be a struggle when traditional ignoring and redirection techniques limit your communication with them.  We will cover a variety of techniques and protocols to optimize communication.

***In the event that you have to miss one of your classes, just send us an email letting us know and you will receive a Video covering the content of the class that you missed. The video will include verbal instruction as well as visual demonstrations in addition to your written homework sheet.***


Puppy Preschool / Video Version

4 weeks – $75

Age Requirement: 

5 Months and Under

You don’t need any special equipment for this class. Use a collar and leash of your choice and some tiny treats.

Rather than coming to class every week you will receive weekly content via email including a combination of instructional video’s, video demonstrations and written instruction. Although I won’t get to see you, all video clients are highly encouraged to contact me with any questions. I also love getting video’s of your puppy’s progress! 

Video Puppy Preschool goes through all of the content covered in the group class including techniques to ensure good manners, common courtesy and a loving and respectful relationship with their owner.  Teaching your puppy “no” is important but can be a struggle when traditional ignoring and redirection techniques limit your communication with them.  We will cover a variety of techniques and protocols to optimize communication.  We also work on basic commands using shaping and luring techniques, a few fun tricks as well as potty training and crate training strategies. In addition I’ve added new content to the video classes including exposure exercises to build confidence and work through fear phases and threshold exercises to help prevent door bolting.

***You can start this program at any time!  As soon as we receive your registration form and payment we will send out your first weeks content! 


Doggy Kindergarten / In Person

Upcoming Class Dates & Times:

Monday, January 6th @ 7:30pm (FULL)

Tuesday, February 4th @ 6pm (FULL)

Monday, March 3rd @ 7:30pm (3 spots left as of 1/9)

6 weeks – $300

Age Requirements:

4 Months and Up

Equipment used:

  • 6 foot leash
  • 15 foot leash
  • training collar (slip collar, choke chain, pinch collar)
  • No retractable leashes please.

This class covers all of the basic commands.  Sit, down, come, stay, stand for exam, heel and how to walk nicely on leash.  Many of the dogs that come through this class know some or all of the basics however, they pick and choose when they are going to respond.  For example, they know sit when it’s just you and them hanging out in the kitchen… but they won’t do it when your guests are trying to come in the front door.  They know come… unless there is a bird or squirrel around.  This class teaches the basic commands and how to get your dog to be reliable in a distracting situation.  In addition, we will cover behavioral problems like barking, jumping, anxiety, fear and high adrenaline and arousal issues.

***In the event that you have to miss one of your classes, just send us an email letting us know and you will receive a Video covering the content of the class that you missed. The video will include verbal instruction as well as visual demonstrations in addition to your written homework sheet.***


Doggy Kindergarten / Video Version

6 Weeks – $150

Age Requirements: 

4 months and up

Equipment used:

  • 6 foot leash
  • 15 foot leash
  • training collar (slip collar, choke chain, pinch collar)
  • no retractable leashes please

Rather than coming to class every week you will receive weekly content via email including a combination of instructional video’s, video demonstrations and written instruction. Although I won’t get to see you, all video clients are highly encouraged to contact me with any questions. I also love getting video’s of your dog’s progress! 

This class covers all of the basic commands.  Sit, down, come, stay, stand for exam, heel and how to walk nicely on leash.  Many of the dogs that come through this class know some or all of the basics however, they pick and choose when they are going to respond.  For example, they know sit when it’s just you and them hanging out in the kitchen… but they won’t do it when your guests are trying to come in the front door.  They know come… unless there is a bird or squirrel around.  This class teaches the basic commands and how to get your dog to be reliable in a distracting situation.  In addition, we will cover behavioral problems like barking, jumping, anxiety, fear and high adrenaline and arousal issues.

Video Doggy Kindergarten cover all of the content, exercises and demonstrations that we work on in the group class. The video’s are broken down into a clear progressive system just like it is in the group environment. 

***You can start this program at any time!  As soon as we receive your registration form and payment we will send out your first weeks content! 


Doggy College

Upcoming Class Dates & Times:

Tuesday, February 4th @ 7:30pm

6 weeks – $300


Must have completed Doggy Kindergarten

Equipment used:

  • 6-foot leash
  • 30 foot leash
  • training collar
  • No retractable leashes please.

College class is for those who desire off leash control. We will be increasing the intensity of the distractions, increasing our distance on stay and come as well as transitioning off leash. Some of the more challenging exercises, including the Stand for Exam and Finish will be covered.  Graduation will be held on the last night of class.

Novice Class


10 weeks 


Completion of Doggy College

Equipment used:

  • 6 foot leash
  • light line
  • No retractable leashes please.

This course perfects the off leash control we were working on in College. Many new tips and tricks will be taught to polish previous work. This is a great class for those of you interested in taking your dog to obedience competitions, or for those of you that just enjoy working with your dogs and/or are ready to do some fine tuning. High jump and retrieval work will be introduced.

Boot Camp




Completion of Doggy Kindergarten

Boot Camp is a monthly drop in class.  This is a great way to keep up on and/or refresh your skills in the group environment.




This is Tasha Kaminskas (Sydnie- the Yorkie) from your Monday 7:40 class. I loved your class and will probably take the Doggy College. I think you do a wonderful job. Sydnie, although she still has some chewing issues, is much better at behaving. I like the fact that in this class it teaches them to "listen" to you, and not to just do things for treats.

– Tasha