Archives: Testimonials

Sona P.

When the puppy training class I went to, did nothing to improve my Goldendoodle's behavior, I went on a search for someone highly recommended that may be able to help.  Thank goodness I found Sonya's Good Dog Service!  Within the first two training sessions my dogs behavior and my control over him was so much… Read More


I enrolled my 9 month old Vizsla in Sonyas classes because he needed a basic obedience class as a pre requisite for Search & Rescue training. After 6 weeks he is a much better dog. Her instruction and techniques were very effective.  Each dog gets the individual attention they need. Highly recommend!


Maggie (our aggressive Bulldog) was dog aggressive, over protective and afraid of men.  Sonya helped us with training and zoning in on  our aggression issues while building our confidence as well.  Wonderful programs that really work!

Melissa V.

My husband and I brought both of your dogs to Sonyas classes.  Among all our friends we are consistently told how well-behaved our dogs are.

Joyce C.

We have gone through Sonyas program with both of our dogs and I couldn't be happier with her style of training!  She is clear, direct and knowledgeable

Laura T.

We have taken all our dogs to Sonya - Even our supposedly "untrainable" Bulldogs (seriously we've had other trainers tell us that) and they've done really well! Highly recommended!

Laura Dial

Sonya, I have trained other dogs, always rough and military style. It was refreshing to teach with a soft voice and kindness, but still be able to get a point across to Sam (8 month old Springer Spaniel) I was impressed with the homework sheets. You have a high level of knowledge to share.

Jenny Gordon

Sonya, with our first baby due this Spring, it was very important that Molly have some type of reliable training. We had taken other classes and they were fun but she really didn't learn anything. Unless I had a treat with me she wouldn't listen. I was a little worried about using a training collar… Read More

Judy Bush

Sonya, your classes are wonderful! Each class was handled very professionally. Your love of dogs shines through in every lesson. Bridget (two year old stubborn little beagle) and I have learned so much about each other. I believe Bridget will have a safer and healthier life due to the things we learn in your class.


This is Tasha Kaminskas (Sydnie- the Yorkie) from your Monday 7:40 class. I loved your class and will probably take the Doggy College. I think you do a wonderful job. Sydnie, although she still has some chewing issues, is much better at behaving. I like the fact that in this class it teaches them to… Read More

“Sonya, you are very knowledgeable in all aspects of training. Thank you so much for all of your help with Jake. My husband wanted to get rid of him before we took you class. Now instead of a destructive monster, he is a polite member of our family.”

– Sally Jordan